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Assignment Submission Process

Most assignments are distributed using GitHub Classroom and submitted/graded using Gradescope. Once you set up your programming environment and a GitHub account, the general process for assignments is:

  1. Get the assignment repository from GitHub Classroom.
  2. Clone or download the assignment repository from your GitHub account to whatever local machine you are using.
  3. Work on the assignment locally. You should commit and push changes back to GitHub as you work.
  4. Submit the assignment on Gradescope.

More details are provided below.

Set up your programming environment and a GitHub account

See the Programming Environment page for suggestions on setting up a programming environment for this course.

If you do not have a GitHub account, go to and create one. You can use whatever username you’d like, though it is helpful for us if you use your Illinois Netid.

1. Get the assignment repository from GitHub Classroom

You can access most assignments through GitHub Classroom. Each assignment has a link provided on the Schedule page. Click the link to have an assignment repository created for you on GitHub (make sure you are logged in with your desired GitHub account).

Your repository will have your GitHub username appended to the end of the repository name (e.g., “assignmentname-username”) and be located in the GitHub organization for this course (e.g., “uiuc-coursename-semester”).

2. Clone or download the assignment repository

Using a web browser, go to the GitHub organization for this course and find the repository for your assignment. Click the “Code” button to clone or download the repository to your local machine.

See the Common Commands page for basic commands you can use to clone a repository using the command line.

3. Work on the assignment locally

Complete the assignment.

See the Common Commands page for basic commands you can use to commit and push changes to your repository using the command line.

4. Submit the assignment on Gradescope

Save and submit your assignment to Gradescope. If appropriate, choose GitHub as the submission method. Make sure you submit the appropriate repository and branch. You may need to authorize Gradescope to access your repository.

If this is a pair-programming submission, you will need to associate all team members with the submission. After you upload your files, click “Add Group Member” and add your partner to the submission.

You can submit multiple times before the deadline. Your last submission will determine your grade.

Note: These instructions are based on ones found here.